the philosophy that guide my work



Have you ever contemplated that question?

Has anyone ever intrigued you with that question?

I can also ask this, has anyone ever asked you that question more than once on the same day? Can you imagine someone asking you that same question 12 or 13 times an hour, 14 or 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year?

So if that is not scary enough, try imagining that person being your mother, who brought you into the world and raised you to be a grown adult. And to whom you are now devoting your daily life.

The why of your philosophy.

A few days ago, I made a post on one of my social media profiles to the effect of just keep moving but do not forget “why” you started, and for the past few days, I have been seriously reflecting on my journey online and why I started in the first place.

When you understand your philosophy, everything becomes easier

This was primarily to honor and create a remembrance to my mom, who suffered for years with dementia as a complication of diabetes, but also as a way of giving myself a voice and a release.

However, as has happened several times over the past 9 years since she passed away (actually last month June would have marked exactly that period, hence the reflective frame of mind), I found myself being sidetracked again despite a previous article I had written, business is not for you and focusing more on money and making money (because her illness was both financially and emotionally draining) and less on trying to help others as I had vowed to do.

Understanding your physiological why.

Whether it was and still is to this day, waking up at 3.30 or 4 am to the cacophony of noise from the fowl cocks outside. They sing their chorus of welcome to the new day.

Or the brilliance of seeing total darkness become gray. Then they transformed into some of the most brilliant natural pinks, oranges, and tangerines that one can witness. As the sun makes its grand appearance at the start of yet another day.

Or quietly sitting under a Casuarina tree in blazing sunshine during the middle of the day. The wind plays its sweet melodies through the branches of the tree. Or just extraordinary sitting under the shade of a tree on the beach. Taking in the brilliant diversity of blues and aquamarine. As mother nature does her work, with the waves rushing to shore and caressing the golden white sand as they do so.

See your dream, have faith, and work towards it.

Do what you enjoy.

Then there is my favorite, sitting in my beloved tower in the evenings. Gazing out over the infinite array of land below. As the sun, with all its majestic grace, lengthens its shadow across the vast ocean before me, a potpourri of orange and red has completed its days of work. Giving yet another brilliant display of source creation before it disappears from view.

And if that were all, I’d still be grateful. But later, I am able to lay on my back and look up at the sky with the millions of stars on display in otherwise total darkness. And acknowledge that truly there is a divine power out there far greater and bigger than I am.

I then have to be thankful for being able to process my thoughts, which allows me to be able to understand the beauty of it all. Consciousness is apt to materialize into feelings, emotions, and actions.

Living your philosophy

So, over the next few days and weeks, I will be streamlining and restructuring my presence online. To reflect more on my initial intent and philosophy to help others. I will still be using my motivational quotes and inspiration. But you will see a lot more of the natural beauty, which I enjoy.

Thanks for putting up with my rambling on and on, and here’s to the best of health, wealth, and happiness for you.